Class of 1977 Reunion Photos!

Group Photo! Front: Jane Paulson Riley, Marcia Thone Hummel, Eileen Oeltjenbruns Adrian, Deb Wiebe Hetland, Joyce Schultz, Marlene Gohr Wolff, Kaye Fox, Cynthia Regier-Foster, Sharon Penner Harder, John Ratzloff.

Second row: Brent Jass, Randy Kremmin, Julie Peters Hill, Linda Goertzen, Wendy Fast Becker, Diane Fast Crawford, Chris Franz O’Bannon, Tuan Ngyuen, Jerry Molitor, Lenita Fast, Perry Harder, Cindy Bottin Leverenz, Sharon Kunkel Lipinski, Roxanne Behrends Park, Lori Anacker.

Back: Bruce Friesen, Mike Firme, Joel Syverson, Loren Becker, Doug Loewen, Tim Herrig, Neil Bartel, Brad Krehbiel, Dale Duerksen, Anthony Harder, Neil Krahn, Dean Karschnik, Mike Adrian, Brent Friesen, Steve Kremmin, Jay Allen, Arden Duerksen.

Missing: Roberta Guinn Anderson and Mark Behrends.

More group shots are available at our class Facebook page.

Candids of the evening from various classmates:

Brent Jass & Mr. Logue check out the Laker memorabilia in the new Flexible Learning Area.
LuAnn & Randy Kremmin check out the Legacy Fund Donor Wall. The Class of 1977 will have their own plaque added soon. Thank you to all who generously donated!
MLHS teachers, Jaime Banks, Brenda Feil, and Shawn Naas, give tours of the new school renovations.
The Madrigal Singers sing “Happy Birthday” to Sharon Kunkel Lipinski.
Marlene Gohr Wolff and Eileen Oeltjenbruns Adrian dig for answers to trivia questions in their annuals.

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