Group Photo! Front: Jane Paulson Riley, Marcia Thone Hummel, Eileen Oeltjenbruns Adrian, Deb Wiebe Hetland, Joyce Schultz, Marlene Gohr Wolff,…
A heartfelt THANK YOU to each one of you who was generous in giving to the Mountain Lake Legacy Fund.…
You can now register for our long-awaited Class of 1977 45-Year Reunion! Meet with classmates and revisit those memorable high…
The Class of 1977 has the opportunity to be forever connected to the Mountain Lake Public School. Let’s continue our…
Click “Continue reading” for a peek at our formal invitations!
The demolition of the old 1904 building was pretty eventful in lil’ ol’ Mountain Lake. Many spectators joined the demo…
Do you recognize these people? Thanks to Eileen for finding the picture and listing all of the names! Front row,…
If you look closely around the high school, you will see memorable traces of our class. Sometimes the trophies have…
As you read this message, plans are coming together for the next reunion of the Mountain Lake High School Class…