Leaving a Legacy

The Class of 1977 has the opportunity to be forever connected to the Mountain Lake Public School. Let’s continue our school pride by donating toward the enhancement of the school’s academics, Fine Arts program, athletics, or Community Learning Spaces. If each of us makes a donation toward the fund, a Class of 1977 plaque will be displayed on the Mountain Lake Legacy Fund’s donor wall in the Flexible Learning Area. You can become a part of this historical time in our community! Would you kindly consider sharing in paying it forward? If you would like to make a positive impact for past, present, and future students, would you consider donating to the Mountain Lake Legacy Fund? A form may have been mailed to you, and your check is payable to Mountain Lake Public School. You can mail your donation to:

Mountain Lake Legacy Fund
c/o Brent Jass
2369 20th Avenue
Odin, MN  56160

If you’d rather not mail your donation, you will have an opportunity to donate toward the legacy fund at our reunion on August 20th. Our checks and cash will be bundled together and given to the District Office as a class. Thank you helping the Class of 1977 leave a legacy of educational pride for the next generations!


Class of 1977 45-Year Reunion Team

Our class plaque will join the others on the donor wall. More information about the fund can be found at https://www.facebook.com/mountainlakelegacyfund.

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